Medical Information Services

Is your Medical Information a vital front-line service or part of the back office?

Hands on a laptop keyboard
Is your Med Info seen as a vital frontline service?

For more than twenty years, McKenzie Mills Partnership has been singing the praises of Medical Information teams in pharma companies to anyone who’ll listen. As a vital front-line service, they provide much needed support to external and internal customers. Nowadays, in Europe, the requirement for this “scientific service” is stipulated in Article 98 of Directive 2001/83/EC, as amended, relating to the use of medicinal products for human use. In effect, this legislation means that Marketing Authorisation Holders must have a dedicated person available 24/7 to answer queries about their marketed products. The European directive on advertising of medicinal products (92/28/EC) and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice mirror this requirement.Healthcare professionals need information about licensed medications that is accurate, unbiased and timely in order to support rational prescribing decisions about patient care. Their patients may also make requests for information that need to be handled sensitively to preserve the healthcare professional-patient relationship. All the while, company brand teams and field force staff expect their demands to be met yesterday.Medical Information professionals therefore, need particular skill sets balancing such demands, in their daily workflow. McKenzie Mills Partnership Ltd can help with managing such balancing acts, from providing specialist support to consultancy on specific projects.

Need a simpler approach?

When the clock’s ticking and the pressure’s on, have you ever wished there was a simple way forward to get your standard letters updated, or your SOPs quality checked, or even just a quick way to find reliable medical information specialists, without the hassle (or the fees) involved in going through a recruitment agency?Read more about our Service Model.We can help you. Get in touch today.

We provide seamless no-hassle professional Med Info

Service elements available

  • Enquiry handling
  • Standard / non-standard letter writing
  • Standard / non-standard letter review and updating
  • Literature searching
  • Adverse event reporting
  • Product complaint handling
  • ABPI Copy Approval/Checking
  • Out-of-hours-cover
  • SOP writing or review